Welcome to St. Ephrem’s Theological College

"They left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:11)".

St. Ephrem’s Theological College is a centre of theological formation, inaugurated at Satna on 3rd July 1992, the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, by the then bishop of Satna Mar Abraham D. Mattam. This theological seminary is intended to impart priestly formation to those who wish to serve primarily in the Syro-Malabar mission dioceses and the religious congregations in North India. The seminary has been started as a diocesan institution under the patronage of the diocese of Satna, with the active support and co-operation of north Indian bishops and religious congregations. This Theological Institute, offering a degree of Bachelor of Theology, aims at a theological formation in tune with the ecclesial tradition of St. Thomas Christians in the context of the North Indian mission.
His Eminence Cardinal Achille Sylvestrini, the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, in his letter approving the programme to start a theological college, wrote: “This congregation appreciates the importance of providing for the appropriate training of Syro-Malabar missionary priests in conformity with the conciliar directives through a seminary policy and programme that does justice to the Eastern Christian heritage, to its intrinsic significance and relevance in Gospel proclamation and pastoral service in the contemporary socio-cultural context.” 


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