

CHRONICLE 2018-2019

July 1

The academic year 2018-19 was unofficially inaugurated by the Holy Eucharist celebration in the morning. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal offered the Holy Qurbana for the community. After the breakfast the brothers were involved in some cleaning works.

Br. Jyos Zade celebrated his birth day. He was specially remembered in the Eucharistic celebration and was greeted in the refectory during the breakfast.

The list of the new office bearers was published in the evening. Br. Zade Jyos appointed as the new G. P of the academic year 2018-19.

The first recollection of the academic year started by Leliya. Rev Fr. Martin Valiyaparambil VC was the retreat preacher.

July 2

The recollection was got over by noon. After noon most of the brothers have gone for outing.

In the evening there was an instruction by Very Rev Fr. Rector in the seminary Chapel. After the instruction there was solemn Ramsa in preparation to the feast of St. Thomas.

Ephrem’s Theological College prayerfully welcomed the new spiritual director Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil. He is from the Eparchy of Palai.

July 3

The feast of St. Thomas the apostle was celebrated most solemnly by the Ephrem Pariwar. The Raza was led by Rev Fr. George Mangalapilly. All the members of the Ephrem Pariwar participated in the Eucharistic celebration and the breakfast thereafter. During the breakfast Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal formally welcomed the new spiritual father Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil to this community. Seven brothers who bear the name of Thomas also celebrated their feast day. The entire community prayed for them during the Eucharistic celebration.

The formal inauguration of the academic year 2018-19 was held in the ETC auditorium in the morning. His Excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil was the chief guest of the day. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal gave a warm and cordial welcome to all who were present for the inaugural function. After the welcome speech Mar Joseph Kodakallil the chairman of the seminary inaugurated the academic year 2018-19 and gave a thought provoking inaugural message. Later Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliampalli, the new dean of studies introduced the new academic year and announced the name of the new resident staffs Rev Frs. Devamitra Neelankavil, Cyriac Puliampallil, Joseph Valliyamplackal and Mathew Peedikayil. He also used this opportunity to thank the resident professors of the last academic year especially Rev Fr. Philip Chakkummoottil. Rev Fr. George Kudilil has given the Lexio brevis.

July 4

Regular classes of the new academic year began by today.

In the evening there was a friendly volleyball match between the first year brothers and the seminary team. The first years won the match.

In the evening there was the visit of the general councillor of the Claretion congregation. He was cordially welcomed and had taken supper with the community.

July 7

The pastoral ministries of the deacons began. All the deacons have gone to their respective parishes for the ministries.

July 9

The feast day of Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakkappil celebrated solemnly by the seminary. The entire Ephrem community prayed for him during the Holy Eucharist celebration and wished him thereafter in the refectory.

Rev Fr. Mathew John from the eparchy of Bijnor reached the seminary for taking classes for the deacons on laws on sacraments.

July 10

Rev Fr. Raju Parakkottu has come to the seminary for taking classes for the second and third year brothers on Malankara Liturgy.

July 11

The initiation programme of the first year brothers were conducted soon after the supper. All the members of the Ephrem’s community and the brothers and the rector of Vincentian study house were present for the programme. Rev Frs. Devamitra Neelankavil, Mathew Peedikayil, Cyriac Puliampallil and Binoy Nechimyil VC also were the part of this initiation programme. The programme was arranged by the second year brothers.

July 12

Third year brothers started to take classes on Moral Science in Claretion School.

July 14

Candidates from Bethania community visited the seminary in the evening.

Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliampallil was appointed as the new village apostolate in-charge of the seminary.

July 16

Rev Fr. Philip the chancellor of the eparchy of Bijnor and Very Rev Fr. Joseph Vettickal the V.G of the eparchy of Faridabad visited the seminary in the evening and had supper with us.

July 17

Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal and Rev Frs. John Kondooparambil and George Mangalapilly participated in a meeting at Satna.

In the evening Mar Joseph Kodakallil, Mar Sebastian Vadakkel and Mar Joseph Kollamparambil visited the seminary. Together with them the seminary also welcomed many other fathers and sisters from different eparchies. Very Rev Fr. James Palackal the V.G of the eparchy of Shamshabad and Rev Fr. James Placherry the former student of ETC joined the community for the supper.

Rev Fr. Raju Parakkottu went to Kerala after completing his classes on Malankara Liturgy.

July 18

Very Rev Fr. James Palackal offered Holy Eucharist for the community and gave an inspiring sermon. He left from the seminary by the evening.

July 19

In the evening there was a meeting of deacons with Very Rev Fr. Rector.

July 21

Rev Fr. George Mangalapilly went to Kerala to participate in the liturgical committee meeting.

July 23

Rev Fr. Tajo Valliyamplackal visited the seminary in the evening.

July 27

In the evening there was a spiritual instruction by Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil.

July 28

The feast of St. Alphonsa was celebrated in a most solemn way by the seminary. Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil celebrated the Holy Eucharist for the community and gave an inspiring homily by imbibing the spirit of the day.

In the evening we heard the sad news of the demise of the aunt of Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakkappil.

July 29

Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakkappil went to Kerala to participate in the funeral ceremony of his aunt.

July 30

The Superior General of S.H and the General Procurator of SH visited the seminary in the noon and had taken meal with us.



August 2

Some of the new priests have reached the seminary at night to participate in the convocation ceremony.

August 3

All the new priests reached the seminary by the evening of August 3rd to take part in the convocation ceremony and to celebrate the feast of St. John Maria Vianney. The celebrations of the feast of St. John Maria Vianney and the new priest day celebrations began with the solemn Ramsa. His Grace Mar George Njaralakkatt the Arch Bishop of the Eparchy of Tellichery, could not reach the seminary in time, as a result the convocation ceremony was postponed to 9.00 PM. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal welcomed everybody to the convocation gathering. The distribution of the B.Th. certificates were initiated by Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliampallil, the dean of studies and His Grace Mar George Njaralakkatt distributed the certificates to all the new priests for their excellent academic performance. Mar Joseph Kodakallil was present for the function. After the convocation ceremony the first year theologians staged cultural programmes. All the new priests shared their experiences in between the programmes and it got over by 12:30 AM on 4th August.

August 4

Ephrem’s community celebrated the feast of John Maria Vianney together with the new priests.  Rev Fr. Thomas Kochodakkal offered the Holy Quarbana and Rev Fr. Tony Kumbidiyamackal delivered a beautiful homily. After the Eucharistic celebration there was the blessing of the Vianney quarters by Rev Fr. John Koovaparayil. The Vincentian and DST communities joined for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Breakfast was arranged for every members of Ephrem Pariwar, the Vincentian brothers did not joined for it. Later a basketball match was held in ETC stadium between the ETC team and the new priests’ team and the ETC team won the match. After the match the new priests spent time with the brothers and took part in different gatherings. In the evening they have departed to their own pastoral fields.

August 5

            In the afternoon Mar George Njaralakkat visited the bishop’s house of Satna.

August 6

            Rev Fr. George Kudilil accompanied Mar George Njaralakkattu to the airport, Jabalpur.

            Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakkappil returned from Kerala.

August 9

            A team of collectors and government officials of Caravan of Love visited the seminary at 9.00 PM. They met rector privately and discussed about the December 14th incident.

August 10

In the morning Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal met all the Vincentian brothers and in the evening there was a staff meeting.

August 12

In the evening after Ramsa Very Rev Fr. Rector met all the brothers and gave some impetus to grow more and more in our missionary vocation.

August 13

            Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil has gone to Kerala in the evening.

            Very Rev Fr. Rector attended consulters body meeting in Bishop’s house.

August 14

            Bros. Peter Paremman and Zade Jyos went to Kerala to participate in a quiz competition.

August 15

            It was a special day when we celebrated the feast of our mother Mary together with the feast of our nation, India. In the morning, soon after the Eucharistic Celebration there was the hoisting of the national flag in front of the seminary. Rev Sr. Vijaya DST was the chief guest of the flag hoisting ceremony. She also delivered a thought provoking patriotic speech imbibing the spirit of the day. Later everybody assembled in the auditorium in connection with the celebration of Independence Day. Mr. N.M. Mishra was present for the gathering and gave a short inspirational message. The brothers also played a wonderful skit and made the day alive and active.

August 16

There was a one day outing arranged for the brothers. The first years visited Khajuraho, second years to Chitrakoot, third years went to Alahabad and deacons went to Satna and came back in the evening. All the fathers also had gone for an outing and had food from outide and came back with refreshed enthusiasm.

August 17

            The seminary has arranged a day of prayer and fasting for the flood affected people of Kerala. The brothers from Vincentian study house and the DST community joined with us for the prayer. The seminary also decided to have a week of prayer and abstinence for the same cause.

August 18

The village apostolate of the year 2018-19 was formally inaugurated. Rev Fr. Joseph Porimattam, the former director of the social service of the eparchy of Satna was the chief guest of the function. He shared his missionary experiences and the problems that we may face in this field and it really energised all the brothers to begin the village apostolate with a renewed spirit. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal the rector of the seminary and Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliampallil the dean of studies were present for the inaugural function.

Rev Fr. Tajo Valiamplackal visited the seminary in the evening.

August 19

Rev Sr. Jessy DST, the provincial visited the seminary.

Very Rev Fr. Rector met all the batch prefects.

August 20

            Very Rev Fr. Rector and Cyriac Puliampallil met the ASP of Satna and informed about seminary village activities.

August 21

            Rev Fr. Thomas Manjalankal came to the seminary for taking classes for the deacons.

August 22

            Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil came back from Kerala.

            Bros. Peter Paramman and Zade Jyos have come back from Kerala. They could not participate in the competition due to the flood of Kerala.

August 24

            The one week of adoration which was conducted for the cause of flood affected people of Kerala got over.

August 25

The entire fathers and brothers of the seminary decided not to celebrate Onam this year. The money we saved from the Onam celebrations can be given to the relief work of the flood affected people of Kerala.

August 26

            Rev Frs. John Kondooparambil and Mathew Peedikayil have gone for a pilgrimage arranged by the eparchy of Satna.

August 29

            Rev Frs. John Kokndooparambil and Mathew Peedikayil reached after the pilgrimage.

            In the evening we celebrated the feast of Rev Fr. John Kondooparambil. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal wished him in the refectory and thanked him for the hard work and dedication that he renders to the community.

August 30

            The academic department of the seminary enlightened everybody with a seminar on “Social Media Policies, Possibilities and Pitfalls”. Rev Fr. Joby Mathew SSP was the resource person of the day. Rev Fr. Cyraic Pulaimpallil, the dean of studies welcomed all to this seminar. The seminar was inaugurated by Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal and gave an inaugural address.  Most of the members of the Ephrem Pariwar participated in this one day seminar.

August 31

            The solemn Ramsa in preparation to the nativity of our lady started. There will be sermons during Ramsa by the third year brothers for the eight days.

            Rev Fr. Thomas Manjalankal went to his own eparchy after completing his classes for the deacons.

            Rev Fr. Devamitra Neelankavil went to Kerala.



September 2

            Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal went to Adilabad to participate in a meeting on mission.

            Rev Fr. John Kondooparambil went to Nagpur seminary for taking classes.

            Rev Fr. Sinto Maliyekkal from the eparchy of Sagar reached the seminary to take classes for the second and third year brothers on Bioethics.

September 3

            Rev Fr. Sebastian Nellikkat came to the seminary for taking classes for the first year brothers on General moral principles.

            Rev Fr. Reji Njaralakkattukunnel from the eparchy of Sagar came to the seminary to take classes for the deacons.

September 5

            Rev Sr. Jessy Maria, the General Councillor of SABS congregation visited the seminary.

September 6

            In the morning Very Rev Fr. Rector reached the seminary after participating the meeting in Adilabad.

            Rev Fr. George Mangalapilly went to Bhopal in the evening.

September 7

            Rev Fr. Sinto Maliyekkal went to his eparchy after completing his course on bioethics.

September 8

            The Ephrem community celebrated the feast of the nativity of Our Lady along with the whole Catholic Church. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal was the main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration. He also extended a beautiful message of the day.

            Rev Fr. George Mangalappilly came back from Bhopal.

            Rev Fr. Reji Njaralakkattukunnel went back to his eparchy after completing his classes.

            The relics of St. Vincent de Paul and a statue of St. Vincent de Paul was placed in our seminary chapel. The procession of the relic is arranged by the eparchy of Satna in connection with the Golden Jubilee year of the eparchy of Satna. The relic will be gone through every parish and mission stations of the eparchy of Satna.

September 9

            The candidates from CSN study house visited the seminary in the evening.

            Sr. Ancila S.H, the Vicar General visited the seminary.

September 10

            The relics of St. Vincent de Paul was shifted to the Vincentian study house.

September 12

            In the morning photos of all the brothers and of the each batches were taken by Rev Fr. Jimmy Mattathil.

September 13

            Moral theology comprehensive oral exam for the deacons started in the morning and it got over by noon. Rev Frs. Cyriac Puliampallil and Tajo Valiyamplackal were on the panel. All the deacons have successfully completed their exams.

September 14

            In the morning Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal and Rev Fr. George Mangalapilly went to participate in the Presbyterium of the eparchy of Satna. Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliampallil joined with them in the afternoon.

            Rev Fr. Sebastian Nellikatt celebrated Telungu Quarbana for the community and gave a beautiful message.

            In the evening Rev Fr. Sebastian Nellikkat went to his eparchy.

September 15

            Rev Fr. John Kondooparambil came back to the seminary after his classes and spending some days in Kerala.

September 16

            There was a gathering for all the male staffs of the eparchy of Satna in the pastoral centre. It was arranged in connection with the Jubilee year of the eparchy of Satna. All the male staffs of our seminary participated in it.

            The statue and relics of St. Vincent de Paul was taken by Very Rev Fr. Rector and Rev Frs. John Kondooparambil and Alex Pandarakkappil to Cathedral of Satna from Claretion community.

September 17

            Rev Fr. Pullattu Jose from the eparchy of Ujjain visited together with Rev Fr. Rony.

September 18

            Some of the fathers and brothers participated in the band display and science exhibition of the Claretion School.

            Rev Fr. Scaria Kaduthanam together with two sisters from Maihar visited the seminary.

September 19

            It was a day enthusiasm and zeal for the annual sports day was conducted today. The brothers were electrified with the spirit of competitions from the morning. The inauguration ceremony was held in the ETC stadium and the inauguration of the sports day was done by Rev Fr. Panachikkal. Very Rev Fr. Sebastian Nechimalil VC and Rev Fr. Genner CMF swere present for the function. Later different competitions were conducted. All the brothers of the two groups namely; Warriors and Tuskers participated in the different competitions. There was also a food stall run by the village apostolate brothers to raise fund for the village ministry. The Bethania and Vincentian communities joined with us for the programmes. Some of the Vincentian fathers namely; Rev Frs. Martin Pynadath, Palatty, Thonakkan, Mylatty and Chilambikkunnel also joined for the lunch.

September 20

            All the brothers were permitted to watch movie outside.

September 21

            Ephrem community celebrated the feast of Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil. The entire community prayed for him during the Eucharistic celebration and later he was wished in the refectory by Very Rev Fr. Rector.

September 22

            Rev Fr. Pennaparambil from the eparchy of Thamarassery has come to the seminary to take classes for the second and third year brothers on Islamology.

September 23

            Very Rev Fr. Rector attended consulters body meeting in Bishop’s house.

September 24

            Rev Fr. Alex Jesuadan came to the seminary for taking classes for the deacons on pastoral theology.

Rev Frs. George Mangalapilly, George Kudillil and John Kondooparambil went to participate in the annual retreat of the priests of the eparchy of Satna.

Rev Fr. Jerome Puthukulangara came to the seminary for taking classes for the first year brothers.

September 26

            Rev Fr. Alex Jesuadan celebrated Latin Mass for the community.

September 27

            The Vincentian Congregation celebrated the feast of their patron St. Vincent De Paul. All the members of the Epherm Pariwar were invited for the dinner.

            In the morning Rev Frs. Cyriac Puliampallil, Mathew Peedikayil and Pennaparambil went to Khajaraho.

September 28

Mar Joseph Kodakallil the chairman of the seminary, Mar Sebastian Vadakkel and Mar Raphael Thattil, the member of the synodal commission for St. Ephrem’s Theological College visited the seminary in the morning. They met all the fathers and students in batches. Mar Sebastian Vadakkel went to his eparchy in the evening.

Very Rev Fr. Rector and Rev Fr. George Mangalappilly attended mass for the dead of the family of Mrs. Rajesh, Patheri

Rev Fr. Jerome Puthukulangara went to his eparchy.

September 29

            Ephrem community celebrated the feast of Mar Raphael Thattil in a most solemn way. The Solemn Holy Eucharistic celebration for the community was offered by Mar Raphel Thattil. Mar Joseph Kodakallil was present for the Eucharistic celebration. After the Holy Eucharistic celebration he was wished in the refectory by Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal. In the afternoon Mar Joseph Kodakallil and Mar Raphael Thattil shared the minutes of the visit to the brothers. After the lunch they have left the seminary.

            Rev Fr. Pennaparambil went to his eparchy after completing his courses on Islamalogy.

September 30

            Rev Fr. Kallath came to the seminar for taking classes for the deacons.

            Rev Frs. Adampikallel and Chirattuvayalil visited the seminary.



October 1

Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal participated in the festal celebration of Sr. Lisieux DST.

October 2

We heard the sad news of the demise of the former student of ETC Kudukkanthadathil Jins.

October 3

            There was a requiem mass for the departed soul of the former student of ETC, Jisns Kudukkamthadathil.

23/11/18 – Friday

Brothers took charge of their offices for the second semester. The chapel and refectory seats of brothers were changed and monthly rotation system for tables came into effect in the refectory. New villages were allotted to second and first year brothers for weekly village ministry and also third years were allotted various parishes for pastoral ministry.

There was VEP sharing session in the evening after the Ramsa and all the fathers and brothers from both ETC and VC campuses were present for the gathering. Five brothers from third year shared on their Varanasi mission experience, seven brothers from second year presented reports on Jabalpur mission experience, two brothers from Vincentian study house shared on their UP mission experience and three first year brothers have made sharing of their personal experiences in different villages under the region of Satna diocese. The sharing enriched everyone with valuable thoughts.

24/11/18 – Saturday

The pastoral ministry for third years and village ministry for first and second year brothers have resumed after a month’s gap.

Two guests of Fr. Devamithra, Rev. Fr. Vincent Akkara, the rector of Dayasagar retreat centre at Kajouri in Sagar and Rev. Sr. Theresin CSN, Novice mistress of Nazareth Congregation in Batheri visited the seminary.

25/11/18 – Sunday

Today the whole church celebrated the feast of the kingship of Jesus and Fr. Devamitra delivered a good message in this regard in the Homily.

The decisions of first meeting of the academic council and the list of the choir groups for assisting the liturgical prayers throughout second semester were published.

The silver Jubilee of the profession of Sr. Dhanya CPS of Premsadan was celebrated in the seminary in the presence of Sr Seena CPS, Premsadan and all fathers and brothers of ETC community. On this occasion, Very Rev. Fr. Rector conveyed warm greetings and thanked her for all the charity services being delivered to the community.


26/11/18 –Monday

Rev. Fr. Jerome Puthukulangara came to the seminary for taking classes for the first year brothers on the canon law of clerics.

Two sisters named Rev. Sr. Ambrosia and Rev. Sr. Melvina from CSN congregation visited seminary.

27/11/18 –Tuesday

Rev. Sr. Vijaya DST and Rev. Sr. Liseu DST from Bethania study house visited seminary in the morning and joined with community for breakfast.

28/11/18 – Wednesday

Madhya Pradesh Assembly election has held today. Very Rev. Fr. Rector, Rev. Frs. Mangalappilly and Puliyampallil casted their votes at Satna.

Rev. Fr. Jerome Puthukulangara went back to his own eparchy by evening after completing the classes for first years.

Very Rev. Fr. Pauly Madassery, Ofm Cap., the provincial, Aluva Province visited seminary by evening and had conference with capuchin brothers and staff in the seminary. Very Rev. Fr. Rector extended him a cordial welcome.

Rev. Fr. Kudilil came back to seminary after the paper presentation at Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kunnoth in Kerala.

Two faithful named Mr. Mohan and Mr. Roy belong to the Cathedral parish of Satna diocese visited the seminary by evening and carried away tapioca.

29/11/18 – Thursday

Very Rev. Fr. Pauly Madassery, Ofm Cap., the provincial, Aluva Province offered Holy Qurbana and gave homily for the day. He advised us to be sanctified with the word of God and to develop good dispositions that are helpful for the future priestly ministry. He went from the seminary by noon after having lunch.

ETC shop for the second semester was inaugurated by Rev. Sr. Bincy SH, Alpha Theological Institute, Thalassery in the presence of Rev. fathers and brothers. Rev. Sr. Theres SH and |Rev. Sr. Alphonsa from Patheri SH Novitiate were also present on that occasion.

ETC family gathering was conducted at the auditorium. It started with a specially arranged family supper with Parotta and Mutton which was arranged on terrace. The gathering was welcomed and addressed by very Rev. Fr. Rector. It was an open discussion for the community. Brothers appreciated and gave thanks to all the staff members for the execution and implementation of all the proposed and suggested plans in the synodal commission visit and in other previous meetings. The gathering specially considered the matter of improving the english and hindi speaking skills of the brothers. Different methods and ideas were suggested by brothers as well as fathers to improve the language skills. Christmas friends were also selected during the gathering. And the meeting was ended with a short prayer.

30/11/18 –  Friday

Rev. Fr. Devamitra went to Allahabad seminary for a paper presentation.

Christmas star was hanged infront of the seminary in the evening before ramsa by the second year brothers.

Rev. Fr. Mathew Peedikayil, Spiritual director, gave spiritual instruction to brothers in connection with the starting of twenty five days lent as preparation of Christmas.

December 2018

1/12/2018 – Saturday

Histrionics department started a venture to remember and to pray for all the ETC members in each day of this lent season.

 Twenty five days lent in preparation for the nativity of our Lord began today. Also we began the new liturgical year with Solemn Ramsa in the evening.

2/12/2018 – Sunday

All the fathers took part in the convocation ceremony and the cultural programmes of the sisters in Bethania in the evening. They had supper from there.

3/12/2018 – Monday

The feast of St. Francis Xavier was celebrated in a moderate way. Very Rev. Fr. Rector celebrated the Qurbana with other fellow priests in the morning and gave a short homily which was on the holy life of St. Francis Xavier. Father enlightened everyone to foster virtues and to work ardently for the salvation of souls after burying the worldly ambitions like that of St. Francis Xavier. During the Qurbana entire community prayed for Bro. Xavier Pathikunnel who also celebrated his feast day. We wished him in the refectory.

Rev.Sisters Vijaya, Jovn and Lalitha and students from Bethania study house visited the seminary in the morning.

The students of CSN congregation from Nazareth study house came to seminary for the english classes.

4/12/2018 – Tuesday

Bro. Varghese Thattaradyil celebrated his birthday and the entire community prayed for him during the Holy Qurbana and later he was greeted in the refectory.

Rev. Sisters and aspirants from Bethania study house visited seminary in the morning.


5/12/2018 – Wednesday

We offered the Holy Qurbana for the departed soul of the uncle of Bro. Antony Tharakunnel. The community prayed the office of the dead after Mass.

Rev Fr. George Mangalappilly attended the burial service of Mr. Jose in rewa.

6/12/2018 – Thursday

The shuttle court renovation is complete.

First year brothers have started the making of the Crib from today morning.

7/12/2018 – Friday

Today was a joyful day for the community as very Rev. Fr. Rector celebrated his birthday. He offered the Holy Qurbana and in homily he exhorted us to stay with Jesus. All the members of the ETC community prayed for him in the Holy Qurbana. Later he was greeted by the entire community in a short gathering held before breakfast. Rev. Fr. Alex Pandarakappil, the Vice Rector extended the birthday greetings and Rev. Fr. Mangalappilly presented the Birthday card which was very specially prepared by the Histrionics department comprised of the greetings from all the ETC brothers. As thanksgiving very Rev. Fr. Rector offered an ice-cream for the lunch.

His Excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil, Bishop of Eparchy of Satna did the blessing and inauguration of the renovated shuttle court in the evening. In connection with this a friendly match was conducted between ETC Tigers and Stars of Bishop House. Bro. Peter Paremann and Bro. Joanny Kuruvachira played for the ETC Tigers and Rev. Fr. Kuriakose Kachappilly, Procurator of Satna diocese and Mr. Rajesh played for the Stars of Bishop House. ETC Tigers won the match and was awarded. Mr. Abhilash and Mr. Dewanish, the staff of the Bishop’s House of the diocese of Satna were also present on that occasion.

Today we had the solemn Ramsa in connection with the feast of immaculate conception of our Lady.

Bro. Cheriamkunnel Joseph and Bro. Xavier Pathikunnel went to Jabalpur for treatment.

8/12/2018 – Saturday

Feast of the immaculate conception of our Lady was celebrated in a solemn way. In morning Holy Qurbana was offered by Rev. Fr. George Kudilil and gave a sermon in which he mentioned about the signs of holiness in personal life by linking it with the holiness of virgin Mary.

 The staff meeting was held in the evening time.

9/12/2018 – Sunday

Rev. Fr. George Mangalappilly, who is one of the mmbers of Master Plan Committee of eparchy of Satna, went to visit the different mission stations of Satna diocese near Singrauli as part of a certain project of the diocese.

Bro. Ajith Chennamkulam fell on the ground while playing and was taken to hospital by Rev. Fr. Alex Pandarakappil.

 Rev Frs. Valiaparambil, Ummassery and Vattakuzhy visited our seminary.

11/12/2018 – Tuesday

Rev. Fr. Devmithra Neelankavil came back to seminary after the paper presentation at Allahabad seminary and retret in Sagar.

Today the preliminary round of Buon Natale, a Christmas carol singing competition organized by Histrionics department for the members of ETC Community, was conducted in the evening by around 7:30 PM. Teams from different theology batches participated and second year theologians were selected for the final round. The judges came for the evaluation were Rev. Fr. Kondooparambil, Rev. Fr. Jenner CMF, and Mrs. Jessy Savio, teacher of St. Claret school. 

12/12/2018 – Wednesday

Very Rev. Fr. Nechimallil Joseph, Rector of Vincentian Study house visited seminary in the morning.

13/12/2018 – Thursday

Today the final round of Buon Natale was conducted in ETC new auditorium by 7’O clock in the evening. The four teams representing St. Ephrems Theological College, Vincentian Study house, Bethania Study house and Nazareth Study house participated in the carol singing competition. Rev. Fr. Panachikal, the secretary to the Bishop of the Eparchy of Satna, Mr. Anshul and Mrs. Mridulla, music teachers of Christhu Jyothi Higher Secondary School, Satna assessed the competition and soon after the competition Mrs Mridulla sang a carol song for the audience.

14/12/2018 – Friday

Rev. Fr. Mangalappilly came back to seminary by noon.

Four Sisters including Sr. Lisa Anto from Kailaspur visited seminary.         

Bible verses writing competition named Scriptura, organized by FIAT Mission was conducted today in the evening.

15/12/2018 – Saturday

Today histrionics department organized a Christmas greetings writing competition. All the batches participated in the event.

Christmas cakes were distributed to the students in the villages during village ministry.

16/12/2018 – Sunday

Three Rev. Sisters belonging to SH congregation from Rewa visited seminary in the evening.

A Christmas gathering for the village people consisted of tuition teachers and the non-teaching staff of seminary was held at auditorium in the afternoon. Very Rev. Fr. Rector presided over the meeting and made the presidential address. Rev. Fr. Devmithra delivered the Christmas message to the people. Second year brothers boosted the gathering by a beautiful carol song. The summary of the history of Christmas was made available to the audience through a short documentary. Later Bro. Vettikuzhichalil of first year theology performed a magical show and excited the audience. Very Rev. Fr. Rector and Rev. Fr. Alex Pandarakappil presented Christmas gifts to the tuition teachers. And all the audience were given a high tea after the programme.

Very Rev Fr. Rector celebrated Christmas in SABS provincial house.

17/12/2018 – Monday

Very Rev Fr. Rector attended Presbyteral council meeting in the Pastoral centre at Patheri.

Today we specially remembered and prayed for the departed souls of Mar Thomas Thenatt, Bishop of Gwalior and Fr. Jomy, Priest of Chanda diocese. The community prayed the office of the dead after Mass.

18/12/2018 – Tuesday

Retreat for the brothers in preparation for minor and major orders began with leliya. Rev Fr. George Mangalappilly was the retreat preacher.

Very Rev. Fr. John Thoppil officially visited the seminary to meet the brothers of Satna diocese in connection with the reception of minor and major orders. Sr. Linta SABS of Ujjain Province also accompanied him and joined with the seminary community for lunch.

We celebrated the Feast of miraculous Mar Thoma Sliva of Mylapoore very specially in the holy Qurbana. Also we had the rite of kissing Mar Thoma Sliva amidst the qurbana.

Rev. Sisters and candidates from Nazareth study house visited seminary at noon time and met Very Rev. Fr. Rector.

19/12/2018 – Wednesday

The retreat continued till evening four o’ clock with talks, confession and holy hour.

Rev. Fr. Punnolly from Khajuraho and two sisters visited seminary at noon and joined with the community for the lunch.

A practice for the diaconate and minor orders was conducted after Ramsa. His excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil was present during this session.

Parents of Bro. Jacob Padinjarayil and father and uncle, Very Rev Fr. Philip Mammoottil, Chancellor of Belgam Diocese cum Rector of St. Antonys shrine Belgam, of Bro Thomas Velloorputhenpurayil arrived seminary by evening for attending the diaconate and minor orders.

20/12/2018 – Thursday

This was a day of immense joy for ETC as her children took a step forward to priesthood. His excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil, the Bishop of Satna conferred the minor orders of Karoyusa on thirteen brothers and Hevupadyaknusa on fourteen of our brothers. Six of the brothers received the major order, Diaconate from the Bishop. Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal and Very Rev Fr. Philip Mammoottil, uncle of Dn. Velloorputhenpurayil Thomas,assisted His excellency in the ceremony.Very Rev. Fr. John Thoppil, Vicar general of Satna diocese and several other fathers, sisters and brothers and the members of Ephrem pariwar took part in the graceful ceremonies.

At refectory the whole community celebrated the birthday of His excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil, Bro. Kurian Thachaparambil and Bro. Joseph Ikkaraparambil by cutting the cake. A special lunch was arranged for the whole guests who attended the ceremony.

In the evening we had the Christmas celebrations for the entire Ephrem pariwar. Members from all the communities were present and performed different cultural programmes and made the event an unforgettable one. The prizes for Buon Natale Christmas carol song competition were distributed. The Vincentian Study house grabbed the first prize and Ephrem Seminary won the second prize in the competition. Christmas gifts for all the members were also given during the programme.

Brothers started leaving right from the midnight for the Christmas vacation.

21/12/2018 – Friday

Rev. Frs. Kudillil, Peedikayil and Devmithra left for vacation.

Very Rev Fr. Rector was the Chief Guest during School day celebration in SH, Rewa.

22/12/2018 – Saturday

Rev Fr. Champakkulam visited our seminary.

Rev. Fr. Pandarakappil Alex left for vacation.

Sr. Ann Mary and Merlin SH visited to greet Christmas.

28/12/2018 – Friday

Dn. Thuruthumallil Thomas was conferred the priestly ordination by His Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil, the auxillary Bishop of the eparchy of Changanassery at Mar Sleeva Church, Purakkad. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. Alex Pandarakappil and Joji Puliyampallil represented the seminary staff and participated in the ceremony.

January 2019

01/1/2019 – Wednesday

God blessed our seminary to celebrate another New Year – 2019.

Dn. Edathil Joseph was conferred the priestly ordination by His Excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil, the Bishop of the Eparchy of Satna at Kodikulam Parish in the eparchy of Kothamangalam. Very Rev Fr. John Thoppil, Vicar General of Satna diocese and other Rev Fathers From Satna diocese also attended the ceremony. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. Alex Pandarakappil, Devmitra Neelankaavil, Joji Puliyampallil, Mathew Peedikayil represented the seminary staff and participated in the ceremony.

02/1/2019 – Wednesday

Dn. Champakkulam Joseph was conferred the priestly ordination by His Excellency Mar Joseph Powathil, the Bishop Emeritus of the Arch-Eparchy of Changanacherry at St. Bethlehem Church, Parampuzha. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. Alex Pandarakappil and Devmitra Neelankaavil represented the seminary staff and participated in the ceremony.

Dn. Paimpillil Sebastian VC was conferred the priestly ordination by His Excellency Mar Joseph Kallarangatt, the Bishop of the Eparchy of Palai at Anthinad parish in the diocese of Palai. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. Alex Pandarakappil and Devmitra Neelankaavil represented the seminary staff and participated in the ceremony.

Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs Devmitra Neelankaavil and Joji Puliyampillil visited the Mary Matha Major Seminary, Thrissur.

03/1/2019 – Thursday

Dn. Kanjiraparambil Thomas was conferred the priestly ordination by His Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal, the Bishop of the eparchy of Kalyan at St. Marys Church, Mundur. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. Alex Pandarakappil, Devmitra Neelankaavil, Joji Puliyampallil represented the seminary staff and participated in the ceremony.

08/1/2019 – Tuesday

The seminary reopened after the Christmas vacation. All brothers reached back the seminary.

09/1/2019 – Wednesday

Classes began after holidays. Rev. Fr. Raju Antony Vettickal, who belongs to Kandwa diocese and an expert in Pscychology and counselling, reached the seminary at night.

 10/1/2019 – Thursday

A short session on counselling and psychology was taken by Rev. Fr. Raju Antony Vettickal from morning till noon for all the brothers of the seminary.

Rev Fr. Mathew Peedikayil reached back the seminary after the vacation.

11/1/2019 – Friday

Today we celebrated the feast of St. John the Baptist as per the Syro Malabar Liturgical calendar and Rev Fr. Devmithra Neelankaavil made an informative homily in this regard during the Eucharistic celebration in the morning.

12/1/2019 - Saturday

Bro Antony Tharakunnel celebrated his birthday today and was greeted specially in the morning at refectory.

Village and Pastoral ministry were resumed again after the Christmas vacation.

13/1/2019 - Sunday

Newly Ordained deacons started to make homilies in their respective pastoral mission centers.

14/1/2019 – Monday

Rev. Fr John Kondooparambil celebrated his birthday. All the fathers, brothers and the members of the community prayed for him in the holy Qurbana. Later we wished him in the refectory and Rev. Fr. Mangalappilly made a short greeting message on behalf of Very Rev. Fr. Rector.

Rev. Fr. John Mathew from Bijnor diocese reached seminary to take class on Sui Iuris churches for the first year theology brothers. Very Rev. Fr. John Thoppil came to seminary to take classes for second and third year theology brothers as visiting professor.

Very Rev Fr. Rector and Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakappil reached back the seminary after the vacation and other official duties entrusted for them; Very Rev Fr. Rector presented report of the seminary in the Synod and Fr. Alex Pandarakappil took theological course For BTh students in St. Thomas Apostolic seminary, Vadavathoor.

Rev. Fr. Devmithra went to Lucknow to take retreat for Holy Cross sisters.

15/1/2019 – Tuesday

Rev. Fr. Raju Antony Vettickal celebrated his birthday today. The seminary community specially prayed for him in Holy Qurbana and greeted him in the refectory.

Rev. Fr. Antony Thundiyil visited seminary in the morning.

16/1/2019 – Wednesday

Rev. Frs Alex Pandarakappil and John Kondooparambil met with an accident while they were returning from Satna in the seminary’s Vehicle, Bollero. They were escaped without any injury by God’s grace.

Rev Fr. George Mangalappilly met MLA of Satna.

17/1/2019 – Thursday

Rev. Frs Alex Pandarakappil and John Kondooparambil went to police station for filing the FIR of the previous day vehicle accident.

The community arranged the Christmas gift exchanging before supper. Visiting Professors and non-teaching staff of the seminary were also awarded with Christmas gifts by Very Rev Fr. Rector.

18/1/2019 – Friday

Rev Fr. Kudilil reached the seminary after vacation and the pilgrimage to Holy Land.

Rev Fr. Raju Antony Vettickal went back to Kandwa diocese after Pscychology and counselling sessions for the students.

19/1/2019 – Saturday

Today first year brothers had an oral exam on sui iuris churches.

Rev Fr. Mathew John went back to Bijnor diocese after the completion of the classes for first year theology brothers.

In evening there was staff meeting.

Rev Fr. Amaikkunnel Jose CMF reached seminary to teach first year theology brothers about the canon laws on consecrated life.

20/1/2019 – Sunday

We celebrated the feast of St. Sebastian and had a solemn Qurbana in which the main celebrant was Very Rev Fr. Rector. We specially remembered and prayed for Bro. Chennamkulam Ajith, Bro. Puthenpurayil Benson, who celebrated their feast and also Dn. Kannampally Varghese, who celebrated his birthday today. They were greeted by the whole community before the supper.

Very Rev Fr. Rector went to Vincentian Study house to wish the rector Very Rev Fr. Nechimallil Sebastian, who celebrated the feast today.

Rev Frs. Adambakkallel and Maruthummoottil from pastoral centre, Patheri visited the seminary. Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Frs. George Mangalappilly, Joji Puliyampallil went with them to Kailaspur to greet Fr. Sebastian on his feast.

Very Rev Fr. Rector gave instruction to the brothers soon after the Ramsa. Instructions were mainly on the light of the discussions of the recent Synod of Bishops at Kakkanad.

21/1/2019 – Monday

Rev Fr. Mariadas OCD visited the seminary with Sr. Anitta CSN and Sr. Rania Maria CSN.

22/1/2019 – Tuesday

Today we had Biryani for the lunch which was sponsored by the Provincial Superior of Capuchin brothers during his past visit in the seminary.

Refectory Speech of the first year theology brothers started today in the evening.

23/1/2019 – Wednesday

Monthly recollection of the brothers began with Lelya. Rev Fr. Jose Ammaikkunel was the preacher.

24/1/2019 – Thursday

The monthly recollection got over by noon.

Rev Fr. Kallely Varghese, vice rector of minor seminary, Satna visited seminary in the morning.

Rev Fr. Peedikayil Mathew went to take monthly recollection for Minor seminarians of the eparchy of Satna. Rev Frs Mangalappily George and Puliyampillil  Cyriac went to Rewa to attend the monthly recollection for priests.

Bro. Prince Elavumkal celebrated his birthday and the whole community wished him at the refectory during breakfast.

Very Rev Fr. Rector attended the planning committee meeting for the Ephrem Parish feast in the Claretion house.

26/1/2019 – Saturday

Republic day and Ekta divas celebrations started with the Holy Eucharist in the morning. Rev Fr. John Kondooparambil celebrated the Holy Qurbana and gave a beautiful sermon. Rev Fr. Jenner CMF hoisted the flag and gave a thought provoking republic day message.

To celebrate the Ekta divas around 350 students from all the nearby villages reached the seminary by 12:00 PM. The valuable presence of some of the important guests made the day more colourful and attractive. The programme was inaugurated by Mrs. Susheela Sukla, the Sarpanj of Barakala. Very Rev. Fr. Rector enlightened the gathering by his inspiring speech on the importance of republic day. The children were divided into various categories and group dynamics were conducted for them. Also each village staged a cultural programme lasting about ten minutes. Best villages were awarded and also each student was given a packet of snacks as gratitude. Rev Fr. Joji Puliampillil, staff in charge of Village ministry coordinated the programmes. Rev Frs. George Mangalappilly, John Kondooparambil and Alex pandarakkappil blessed the day with their presence.

27/1/2019 – Sunday

The list of the committees for the mission day and parish feast celebrations was published today.

Today first year brothers had an oral exam on canon laws for religious Institutiion and Consecrated life.

28/1/2019 – Monday

Rev Fr. Ammaikkunnel Jose CMFwent back to Bangalore after the completion of the classes for first year theology brothers.

It was the last day for the submission of seminar for First and Second year theology brothers.

29/1/2019 – Tuesday

Smart board and new LCD projector were installed in the second year theology class room. Also a new amplifier was bought and installed in the Chapel.

30/1/2019 – Wednesday

Ephrem community cordially welcomed Mar Thomas Tharayil, Auxiliary Bishop of the eparchy of Changanassery, who visited our seminary in the morning and later His Excellency delivered an extension lecture on the subject “affective maturity”. In the evening His Excellency went to Bishop house, Satna to meet the Bishop Mar Joseph Kodakallil and had the dinner there.

Bro. Chennamkulam Ajith celebrated his birthday and the whole community wished him at the refectory in the presence of His Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil.

Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakappil went to Patheri to take class for the novitiates of SH congregation.

31/1/2019 – Thursday

His Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil celebrated Holy Qurabana and enlightened the community through a heart touching homily regarding the life of seminarians. After the Holy Qurbana, His Excellency went to visit Khajuraho temples, one of the famous cultural heritage centers of India. During night His Excellency spent some time to make personal conference with the brothers of Changanacherry diocese. Also, His excellency offered ‘Bada Ghana’ for today’s supper.


1/2/2019 –Friday

Rev Fr. Devmitra Neelankaavil returned to seminary after his retreat and other programmes in Lucknow.

His Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil went to Jabalpur after the two days visit in the seminary. Rev Fr. Devmitra Neelankaavil accompanied the Bishop upto Jabalpur.

In the evening after Ramsa, the flag blessing of the feast of the Ephrem Nagar church took place. Very Rev Fr. Joseph Ottapurackal, the parish priest hoisted the flag. Most of the members of the Ephrem Pariwar were present on this occasion.


Rev Fr. George Kudilil went to Varanasi to attend the Jubilee celebrations of his aunt.

2/2/2019 –Saturday

Procession of the parish feast took place in the evening after solemn celebration of Ramsa led by Very Rev Fr. Sebastian Nechimyallil. The procession went through all the houses in the Ephrem Nagar. Message of the feast was delivered by Rev Fr. Varghese Kallely, the Vice Rector of the minor seminary of the eparchy of Satna. After the message the Claretian community shared a cup of delicious soup. The procession concluded in the seminary chapel and all were given payasam.

Very Rev Fr. Rector and Rev Fr Devmitra Neelankaavil attended the vestition ceremony of CSN candidates at Cathedral church, Satna.

3/2/2019 –Sunday

This morning we had the celebration of the Raza in connection with the parish feast.  Rev Fr.Cyriac Puliyampillil was the main celebrant. Rev Fr. Devmitra Neelankavil delivered the homily.Very Rev Fr. Rector and all the members of the Ephrem parivar joined for the celebration of the Holy Quarbana. Later everybody joined with Ephrem community for the blessing of the St. Kuriackose theology quarters and followed breakfast.

Together with the parish feast the mission Sunday celebration was also arranged. As part of the celebration various games, lucky draw of coupons, auction etc were conducted. In the evening a special film show was arranged for whole Ephrem Parivar. Members of the nearby communities actively participated in every program and shared their contribution for the missionary activities.

In the evening there was a volley ball match between Ephrem’s Theological college and one of the clubs in Satna district. The club won the match with two games lead.

 Rev Fr. Kudilil George came back to seminary.

4/2/2019 –Monday

Today morning the new priests of the eparchy of Satna, Fr. Edathil Joseph and Fr. Alapatt Thomas celebrated Holy Qurbana for the community. They were welcomed and greeted by Rev Fr. Rector in the chapel. Fr. Alappatt made the homily. Later they cut the cake and were wished by the whole community in the refectory.

His Excellency Mar Prince Antony the Bishop of Adhilabad joined the community by morning to take classes for the second and third years on the book of psalms. He was greeted in the refectory in the noon.

Sr. Shincy DST came as visiting professor to teach the first year theology brothers.

Second year theology brothers commenced to deliver sermon in the chapel during Ramsa.

5/2/2019 –Tuesday

 Very Rev Fr. Rector, Rev Fr. George Mangalapilly and Rev Fr. Cyriac Puliyampillil went to attend the Presbyterium.

Two lay men, Mr. Raju and Mr. Johnson from Bangalore visited our seminary by afternoon and stayed for one day.

6/2/2019 –Wednesday

Very Rev Fr. Rector left Bangalore in order to attend and to present a paper in the workshop arranged by Dharmaram college on socially integrated formation.

7/2/2019 –Thursday

There was a one day outing arranged for the brothers. The first years visited Chitrakoot, second years to Satna and third years went to Rewa and came back in the evening. All the fathers also had gone for an outing and had food from outside and came back with refreshed enthusiasm.

8/2/2019 –Friday

Bro. Zade Jose went to the Ujjain seminary to participate in the inter-seminary Bible Quiz competition.

Rev Fr. Sebastian Puthenpurackal, Vicar of Kailaspur mission station visited the seminary.

Bro. Jesbin Cheriamkunnel celebrated his birthday today. The community wished him in the refectory in the presence of His Excellency Mar Prince Pannengadan.

9/2/2019 –Saturday

Rev Frs Cyriac Puliyamkunnel and Mathew Peedikayil went to hospital for Check up.

His Excellency Mar Prince Panengadan visited His Excellency Mar Joseph Kodakallil in the Bishop house of Satna. Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakappil accompanied him.

10/2/2019 –Sunday

Today we heard the glad news that, Bro. Jose Zade won second prize for the inter seminary quiz competition which was conducted in the Ujjain seminary.

The first years were invited for a lunch in the bishop’s house. All the first years including Vincentian brothers participated in it.

11/2/2019 –Monday

Bro. Jose Zade was greeted in the seminary and His Excellency Mar Prince Panengadan appreciated him by giving a beautiful flower. Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakappil admired him for his hard work and dedication which brought the success in the competition.

Today first year brothers had an oral exam on the course ‘Biblical Hermeneutics’.

Rev Fr. James Puliurumbil, head of the theology department in PursthyaVidyapitham, Vadavathoor and Rev Fr. Francis Pittapillil, Secretary of Syro-Malabar Liturgical Commission arrived today in our seminary for taking classes for the first year theology brothers.

Three days fasting in connection with rogation of Ninevites started today.

12/2/2019 –Tuesday

Rev Fr. Alex Pandarakappil cordially welcomed Rev Fr. James Puliurumbil and Rev Fr. Francis Pittappillil, the new visiting professors to the seminary just before the breakfast.

13/2/2019 –Wednesday

There was a symposium based on documents “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” and “Final Document of the Synod of Bishops”  of recently heldSynod on Youthat Rome from October 2018 to November 2018.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           &